our work

Download Form

New patients can download, complete and drop off the form at our office or email completed form to admin@acemedinc.com

Please note that completion and submission of intake forms does not automatically make you a patient at the clinic. We will contact patients to schedule a meet and greet with our physicians. Patients who are yet to be called for a meet and greet will remain on the waitlist until there is an opening for them in the practice. Patients seeking new GPs can also submit applications to other clinics accepting new patients.

Patient Centered

We are committed to patient centered care & maintaining highest standards of medical practice.

Inclusive & Friendly

We provide a welcoming , inclusive and friendly clinic environment.

Easy Accessibility

We are committed to easy accessibility to care with aid of technology.

Uninsured services​

All uninsured services such as doctor’s letters and forms are subject to a fee. Please refer to the Acepro Medical Clinic Uninsured Services list.

IMPORTANT: Patients are advised to bring in printed copies of their forms ( please see uninsured services for cost of printing in our office). Patients are to complete and sign their sections of each form before submitting to the clinic for completion by the physicians. Physicians will endeavour to complete forms in a timely manner and patients will be informed when their forms are ready for pick up.